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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This, my friends, is it – the final volume of the Stooges Short Subjects. I’m proud to say that I now have them all from beginning to end.

Admittedly in the last years of their short films, they weren’t making them very well. Moe and Larry were really showing their ages, too many shorts were nothing but re-edits/recycles and their third bananas were either dead, dying or miscast. It was time for them to rest for a few years, let TV give them new life and then start making cartoons and full-length features.

So when I purchased this set about two weeks ago, I did it with some sadness because I realized that I’d finally reached the end of Stooge Road. There is nothing more to look forward to with regards to vintage Stooge films.

My wife and I don’t have any kids to indoctrinate into Stoogehood, so we can just sit down ourselves and enjoy these DVD sets. Not only does Karen like the Stooges, but she can QUOTE ‘em, too! I married the perfect woman.

Just so that Columbia Pictures could finish up the shorts on DVD, it has three discs instead of the normal two. Accordingly, it is just slightly more expensive than the two disc set.

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